Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Facts of My Life

Some facts of my life
p/s: theoretically and practically proven

Fact #1: A stomach satisfied man is a happy man...Sorry but I'm not  a good cook

Fact #2: I can spend my entire day and night in my bed

Fact #3: I want to be a jobless woman so badly

Fact #4: I am well served and pampered all the time

Fact #5: I am me, myself and I

Best regards,

Leah L.
27 y.o. going on 28 next year (Fact #6)

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Spread Your Kindness

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud
To give them hope and care
To let them feel
There's always a silver lining in the darkest night

~A Reading for Rainbow~